About Japanese Classes of Himawari Sensei (向日葵先生と日本語の授業)

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Himawari Vidanagamage

Our centre, which was founded by Himawari Vidanagamage, a highly qualified and experienced individual with more than 17 years of teaching experience, stands as a tribute to her unwavering dedication to offering top-notch Japanese classes and cultural enrichment. Himawari Vidanagamage has first-hand knowledge bridging both cultural and linguistic gaps owing to her prior experience as an author, novelist and a Japanese writer and translator in media.

As a graduate and holder of the N1 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), the highest level of proficiency - symbolises her outstanding knowledge of the Japanese language.

මම හිමවරි විදානගමගේ

අපේ ජපන් භාෂා අධ්‍යාපන ආයතනය

හිමවරි ජපන් භාෂා අධ්‍යාපන ආයතනය වේ

රජයේ ලියාපදිංචි කරන ලද සේම ජපන් රටේ ආගමන විගමන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව විසින් පිළිගත් ජපන් භාෂා අධ්‍යාපන ආයතනය ක් වේ

පළමු ශ්‍රේණියේ සිට උසස් පෙළ දක්වා ත්
JLPT 5/4/3/2, NAT 5/4/3/2, JFT, JLCT, TOP-J ආදී වර්තමානයේ පවත්වන සියලු විභාග සදහා ත් විධිමත් අධ්‍යාපනයක් ලබා දීම අපේ පරම අභිලාෂය වේ


About Japanese Classes of Himawari Sensei


Whether you're a beginner who's making your first steps in Japanese or an advanced learner wishing to enhance your language skills, we encourage you to learn more about our programmes and experience the difference at Japanese Classes of Himawari Sensei (向日葵先生と日本語の授業).

Our dedication goes beyond language proficiency. We are committed to offering a comprehensive educational experience that fosters not only language proficiency but also an in-depth knowledge of Japan's rich cultural history. Our highly qualified instructors are dedicated to supporting you in achieving excellence in your study of Japanese while bringing years of experience and a strong appreciation for Japanese culture to the learning environment.

chief consultant

Kimura Takutaro

Our distinguished Japanese Chief Consultant, Kimura Takutaro enriches our learning community with an incredible amount of knowledge and cultural diversity. He was born and raised in Japan and is the perfect example of how tradition and modernity can coexist, making him a vital member of our educational team. In addition to being a successful professional, Kimura Takutaro is a dedicated teacher. He has devoted a significant amount of his professional life to instructing various learner groups in the Japanese language and culture. His approach to teaching is based on developing a profound respect for Japanese culture, language, and art while providing students with essential communication skills.

Get In Touch With Us!


Piliyandala road, pelenwatta, kottawa pannnipitiya.

Email Address


076 888 1006 / 071 893 7549